How to write in Hindi font (or other language font) in HTML | ASP.NET Core
This blog will show you how to read and write in Hindi (or you can use any language you want).
This section describes how to use the Devlys_010 font to write Hindi in ASP.NET Core text fields. Therefore, follow the steps below.
Step 1
Download Devlys_010 font in any format such as .ttf, .woff, etc. You can download from here
This is a ZIP file, so you can unzip it into a folder.
Step 2
Open the Asp.Net Core project and create a new folder under CSS. Give the folder a name like Fonts.
Paste the downloaded fonts into the Fonts folder. Then create a CSS file and name it font.css.
You can see that we have added a screenshot here. I inserted the fonts in ttf format and created font.css in the newly created "Fonts" folder.
Step 3
Now open font.css in the editor. Next, let's add fonts to the project using @ font-face.
Therefore, write the CSS code in font.css as follows:
- @font-face {
- font-family: 'Devlys_010';
- src: local('Devlys_010'),url('./Devlys_010.ttf') format('truetype');
- }
Step 4
Next, create a new CSS class under @ font-face in font.css and add the font family used by @font-face.
- .hFont {
- font-family: 'Devlys_010' !important;
- }
- @font-face {
- font-family: 'Devlys_010';
- src: local('Devlys_010'),url('./Devlys_010.ttf') format('truetype');
- }
- .hFont {
- font-family: 'Devlys_010' !important;
- }
Step 5
Next, go to the cshtml page where you want to write the Hindi font. So if you use the text input type, just add the hFont class as follows:
Then add CSS to the header to get the CSS code.
- <link href="~/css/fonts/font.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Now add a CSS class to create a Hindi font. See the code below. Added hFont class to input type.
- <input asp-for="@Model.AdminMaster.AdminName" class="form-control hFont" id="txtAdminName" />
- OR
- <input type = "text" class="form-control hFont" id="txtAdminName" />
You can use other fonts just by adding and using fonts in CSS. Also, use language fonts such as Gujarati, Marathi, Urdu, or other languages.
Reference from my C# Corner blog : C# Corner Blog Link