How do I install Angular 14?
Angular 14 can be installed via npm with the following flags:
Open a new command line interface and run the following command to install the latest version of Angular.
npm install --global @angular/cli@next
This will globally install the latest version of the Angular CLI on your development machine.
Check the Angular CLI version with the following command:
ng version
Angular 14 Features
1. Standalone Component
With the release of Angular14, the standalone component will eventually become a viable option, eliminating the need for Angular modules.
Standalone components are not declared in existing NgModules and can directly manage their own dependencies (rather than letting them manage them) and make them directly dependent on them without the need for an intermediate NgModule.
Key Points
- The standalone component have the flag "standalone" and the value must be set to "true"
- No need to add standalone components to ngModule.
- You can import the required modules into the component itself.
- Command,
2. The Typed Forms
The most common requirement for Angular features on GitHub is for strongly typed forms. This enhances the framework's model-driven approach to the form processing process.
Important Points
- This feature is for reactive forms only.
- To use this feature, tsconig.js must be in strict mode
- Typed forms ensure that the values in form controls, groups, and arrays are type-safe across API surfaces.
- This helps developers generate secure forms and complex nested objects.
- If you use an older version, you can use the untyped version.
Example: Create the component of a standalone contact, add four fields (name, number, email, message) and import the ReactiveForms Module as shown below.
3. Optimized accessibility for page titles (title strategy)
When developing an application, page titles reflect the content of the page differently. In Angular 13, the entire process of adding titles has been streamlined with a new route. The title property of Angular router. However, Angular 14 does not require any additional imports when adding titles to a page.
Go to the routing module. Now define the route. By extending the app routing module as shown, there is a function to add a title to the route and implement TitleStrategy.
4. Advanced Developer Diagnostics (ng compilation)
This feature of Angular v14 provides an extensible framework that supports better insights into templates and provides suggestions for potential improvements. .. It also checks for syntax errors in components like the Contacts component and removes Reactive.
For example, type the wrong command, such as ngserve, and then get the correct command suggestions.
5. Bind to a protected component memberIn v14, thanks to the contribution, you can now bind to component members that are protected directly from the template. Zack Elliott!
6. Optional Injectors in Embedded Views
v14 adds support for passing optional injectors when creating embedded views via ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView
and TemplateRef.createEmbeddedView
. Injectors allow you to customize the behavior of dependency injection within a particular template.
7. NgModel OnPush
And finally, a community post by Artur Androsovych closes the most important issue, allowing NgModel changes to be reflected in the OnPush component's UI. There are two components. The first is a simple child component with some inputs and basic [ngModel] directive support via the ControlValueAccesor interface. The second is the parent component, which has an onPush change detection strategy and inserts a value into the child component via the [ngModel] directive (immediately after it is marked for change via the ChangeDetectorRef class). When the ngModel is updated, the child component still shows the old value in the template, but the component object shows the actual value in the target property.